Context: Waking
If we were going to have 'do not proceed until' pins it would be, for waking, until you get stillness (calm).
the stillness is the stable platform that means you can reach out into the external world and act without getting toppled.
Careful with coffee check if recently made spaz from too much.
Don't start until you get the story right. Get into the right narrative.
Getting started is getting emotionally engaged (until we have process to do in the meantime). You may try appreciation train, observing-engaging,. etc
Try going to the largest scope as a starting point, like all of time and all beings. Then your carrots and sticks
[House on fire subection] [sticks] Water tank getting bugs in. It it's 50 years old.
Observe>Engage etc. Jumping out of one context, i.e. out of bed opens perspective.
[Want:] Try not to formulate any new intentions! Try to rekindle existing ones. [Why? consistency]
(Current Initatives moved to Day plan context. Makes sense, no? )
You are responsible for your intentions. So choose them skilfully. Anything you now do is an action with an intention and - skillful or harmful, of the results you will be heir
maybe: before 'ever moving/doing anything but sitting' calm enough to form a genuine solid intention. this is in the alarm but..
A good morning is not necessarily one where you feel good, or even when you have energy and are enthusiatic. You need the patience, good will/faith etc that is familiar from say, after med In the morning, just like any other time, the baseline is indispensable. i.e. being calm, happy and kind, composed and in good faith. They reinforce each other but the calm is the key, the core. The calm is the safety to be brave. And be conscious of doing the right thing, and caring. Confusion or disorientation is due to head in sand or panic, both of which is just being too lazy to do 5-minute meditation. From calm follows automatically patience and sobriety.

"Looking around" -where are we? what's going on...

We're currently doing harm, but we have the tools to make an effortless transition to doing no harm, while feeling good all along the way.

Competence leads to self-supporting which leads to cesation of harm. Consistency leads to completion which leads to competence.

The threat: if you let slip though, you backslide, and have to cover all the same ground again and again.

Planning a day
7. not just DO-ABLE but CLEAR comes from 0STRESS. so Relax to lights-out-level. For thinking - the shower's magic is 'i am where i wanna stay'.
Keep some way in mind: absolute stopping of input is required to form intention. We want to operate intentionally as much as we can. Careful it can overexcite.
Program things as 'process instead of goal' - so you're just doing, not forever thinking about what to do and especially not second guessing. [Why?]
[Timeframestress] then [Timeframe].
Stability of intention for follow through.
[consistency] meaning 'follow through'. Not change intentions until started things are completed.
[competence] then responsible and virtuous
for effncy etc do everyithng 9-5
Protein not carbs breakfast
To answer the question 'What should I be doing?' [old text follows:] First check tasklist for time sensitive tasks. Then look for a preload in the journal or the volatile notepad notes. Get the context of tasks from the three Challenges above. Orient yourself in the pyramid, top down and back from the bottom. Look at where the frontline is on the competence map.
Working Doing things getting Jobs done
is this for getting started or already did
Just do one thing at a time. Focus on, present in, dont switch.
And get it crystal clear what your are doing. (which implies what for)
Planning Life
We're currently doing harm, but we have the tools to make an effortless transition to doing no harm, while feeling good all along the way.
Using tools
Currently active 'intetional notions' not quite plans (this is what each pin is actually supposed to be)
1. start to introduce planning
how is pinning the prev pin better than comp map placing a tank. Well, did the tanks work? too codified, esily skipped over
Need to work out instructions, intentions, plans, aims and goals/objectives all.
For example the previous pin, which of those is it?
And role of this system, tool, is it to say on arriving in a context "don't think, just do: this" or what
[o] [Want:] Rationalised tools
this is the working with tools context page
Dread: Not be so attached to protecting "me" and "mine", "my .."
Can't get your attitude right to get calm and good faith? Try emphasising CONTENTMENT.